A new way of marketing- Live CounterAre you looking for a new way of Marketing?We are constantly working on our idea of a "Live-Counter" for you!Do you want a new way to show your visitors what your enterprise is doing, show them the numbers of poducts sold or produced?With the means of mean values and prognoses we can show the yearly/monthly data live.With live-counter.com you will take profit from the good position we have in google.As an example: The search criterion "wealth Bill Gates" = 3rd place,"bill gates money" = 1st place of 38 million results and so on.People love statistics!And they love statistics most if they are accurate, understandable and recent. Our Live Counter is doing just this, what has been missed by entrepreneurs as well as privat people since years.What we can show you is interesting for everyone. The rate of births and mortality, the number of inhabitants in a certain area...So how about a presentation of your enterprise?How many products do you produce daily?per month? per year? No matter what you are producing: books, windows or mustard: Everyone can present interesting data for customers! Use this form of marketing. Statistics are attracting people all over the world. This site is also interesting for yourself and your friends as private individuals. Are you paying money to a savings book on a monthly basis for your child and it would like to watch the countdown until his birthday when the money will be sold out? There can be ideas for thousands of ways to use this site, which one is yours? Please contact us.We will have a team of professionals work out a concept for you.We could make a HTML5 generated video which shows how many products your are selling, or how many people are walking into your restaurant just then!Offer - for entrepreneurs:A professional Webdesigner and you are going to work together on your idea on how to present your product or enterprise in the new style of Live-Counter.Another option is to make a marketing-video with effects relevant for the enterprise, everything in the style of Live-Counter.If you are interested, please contact us (info@live-counter.com)The Webdesign, the Counter and the marketing-video will be worth an average of 1000$.You will find your product/enterprise on Live-Counter.com/user/yourname/We guarantee it to stay there for at least 5 years, but probably for ever, without any additional costs other than if you want to change something.Private Sites and industrialJust like on our other sites (without webdesign) we are taking the first requests for free eventually. Just send us a mail to info@live-counter.com
Since the new data protection laws are valid in Europe, it is unfortunately no longer possibleto create a user page yourself.If you are interested in a personal page, please contact us by e-mail.Here we have rescued some user pages from the Wordpress version:Alter unserer 3 Kinder