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Bill Gates Total Money in US$:
Bill Gates
The richest man in the world
When talking about the richest people
worldwide, Bill Gates is definitely on top of
the list. Who does not know Microsoft and all
its products, produced to enable a perfect
use of your computer. Bill Henry Gates was
born on October 28th 1955. He was the 2nd of
3 children. His father worked as a lawyer
whilst his mother was a teacher in Seattle.
Given his passion for natural sciences like
mathematics and a particular interest for
economy, Gates also proved himself as a
skilled developer of new computer programs
and invented in collaboration with a school
mate a new and improved version of a
school-owned program. Later on, Gates and
his mate founded the Lakeside Programming
Group. After his studies at Harvard
University, Bill Gates worked with a lot of
dedication on the development of a new and
enhanced version of the Basic computer
language for micro computers. Finally
Microsoft was born in 1975 in a garage in
Albuquerque. The rest is history. Bill Gates
expanded his business within the next
decades and became one of the most
successful entrepreneurs in the USA.
Only a few people know, that Microsoft is not
Bill Gates´ only source of income.
Additionally, he is the owner of Cascade
Investments and shareholder of the John
Deere & Co tractor producer and stakeholder
of the Canadian Railway Society.
Today (January 2021) Bill Gates´ fortune
amounts to around $120 billion. Assuming
that Bill Gates had a regular bank savings
account with an interest rate
of 3 %, he would earn around $9.8 million
dollar a day. Every hour $411.000 would be
added to his fortune and every minute his
bank account shows a plus of $6850.
And even every single second of the day
Bill Gates makes $114.
However, despite all that wealth, Bill Gates
does not forget about those, who have not
been lucky in their lives. His Bill & Melinda
Gates Foundation takes care of a variety of
projects in third world countries. One branch
of this activity is the funding of research in
the field of Malaria, Aids and Tuberculosis.
With a total capital of 30 billion $ the Bill &
Melinda Gates Foundation is considered to
be the biggest social organization of the
world. Up till now it is estimated, that Bill
Gates has spent 30 billion $ for charity and
social projects worldwide.
Apple products as iPod or
iPhone are a few of the rare
things which Bill Gates forbid
his children.
If he knows that his house was
partially designed with the help
of a Macintosh?
He sold his first self-written
computer program in the age
of 17 to his school.
He obtained 4,200 dollars for
this schedule planning
A few code lines made sure
that he always got together
with possibly many girls in the
When he still went to school,
he boasted to his teacher that
he will be a millionaire by the
age of 30. Indeed, he was a
billionaire by the age of 31.
Bill Gates' house or estate is
located at the Lake
Washington riverside. It is
equipped with 24 bathrooms,
6 kitchens, and 7 bed rooms.
All appliances are connected
together and controllable by